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Mobile Device Adoption Stats and Facts Infographic

Mobile Device Adoption Stats and Facts Infographic The millennials entering the workforce are innovative, mobile, and constantly learning new technologies using with their devices. The adoption of mobile devices is on the rise, which leads us to determine that the use of mLearning for corporate training is here to stay. The Mobile Device Adoption Stats […]

2017 Instructional Design Trends Infographic

2017 Instructional Design Trends Infographic Six are the colors of the rainbow and six are the instructional design trends highlighted in the 2017 Instructional Design Trends Infographic, based on SweetRush thought leaders’ predictions for 2017! A Warm Front Featuring Personalization In Instructional Design Strong Convergence Of Millennials And Values-Based Corporate Culture Consistent Periods Of Culturally […]

Why Soft Skills Are Necessary Infographic

Why Soft Skills Are Necessary Infographic Higher education is crucial to most career paths, but it is not the end of the road. Lifelong learning is important for getting your career where you want it to be, and soft skills should be the first thing on your mastery list. Soft skills are the things you […]

5 Stages to Gamification Infographic

5 Stages to Gamification Infographic Having grown up in a digital world that’s replete with video games, augmented realities, virtual realities and social media platforms, millennials and newer generations of tech-natives are not only very familiar with game mechanics, they are hungry for gamification in their learning. Gamification offers educators a wonderful opportunity to find […]

Five Minute Hacks To Improve Your Resume Infographic

Five Minute Hacks to Improve Your Resume Infographic Did you know that as much as 70% of Millennials hate their jobs? An average Millennial spends only 2.5 years at the same job. Now think about this: During your entire life, you spend over 90.000 hours at work. Do you seriously want to end up in a job you […]

The State of Online Learning in 2016 Infographic

The State of Online Learning in 2016 Infographic Check out The State of Online Learning in 2016 Infographic showing what people around the U.S. are learning on Udemy and interesting geographic and generational trends. Are you typical of your age and city? The top 10 most popular Udemy courses in the U.S., based on total […]

Gamification Facts Infographic

Gamification Facts Infographic Gamification is the concept of applying game mechanics and game design techniques to eLearning courses. It improves learner engagement and motivates them to achieve their goals. Game Mechanics Gather Points Leverage Leaderboards Recognize Pattern Collect badges Receive accolades Save life/gift points/items Receive surprise awards Accept challenges & cross set levels Why games […]

Top 8 eLearning Trends Infographic

Top 8 eLearning Trends Infographic Keeping a close eye on the trends is important for learning professionals since they are responsible for managing training within their organization, and thereby developing a competitive workforce in a changing global market. Here is a list of the top 8 eLearning trends to follow in this year. 1. Gamification […]

Anatomy of a Modern eLearning Course Infographic

The Anatomy of a Modern eLearning Course Infographic If you are a training manager, you see many more Millennials at the workplace and taking your training programs. As someone who has to cater to the needs of the Millennial generation, you have to create courses that appeal to their unique personalities, distinct tastes, and learning […]

The Typical Millennial Learner Infographic

Characteristics of the Typical Millennial Learner The Millennial generation or Generation Y is made up of people who were born between 1982 and 2000. They were born into technology and grew up tinkering with gadgets and video games. They prefer to express themselves in 140 characters instead of writing an email. They think and learn […]

The Importance of Social Learning for Companies Infographic

The Importance of Social Learning for Companies Infographic The Importance of Social Learning for Companies Infographic presents the benefits and value of social learning in the corporate environment. Social learning is the process of learning through social interaction between peers. Social learning can take place in informal one-on-one encounters, among teams in the course of […]

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