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Engaging Millennials Using Social Learning Infographic

Keeping employees engaged is an on-going challenge employers struggle with. Looking for ways to engage millennial employees is an even bigger challenge. Millennials are fluent in digital media and are as committed to company goals as the rest of their coworkers, which is a trait employers should recognize. The Engaging Millennials using Social Learning Infographic […]

What Employees Want By Generation

What Employees Want By Generation — Infographic Baby Boomers 1946-1964 Best Work Traits: Optimistic Enjoy mentoring Best Work Ethic Gen X 1965-1979 Best Work Traits: Independent Innovative Strong communicators Millennials 1980-1995 Best Work Traits: Tech-savvy Collaborative Focused on the greater food Gen-Z Born After 1996 Best Work Traits: Digitally Fluent Practical Flourish in diverse workforces […]

The Mobile Of Workplace Learning

The Mobile Of Workplace Learning—Infographic There's no doubt that mobile learning or mLearning is the gateway to anywhere, anytime learning. Fueled by the increased penetration and usage of smartphones in today's always-connected, digital age, it has moved from the stage of "awareness" to "consideration," and is moving fast into the final stage of "adoption." UpsideLMS […]

Top 20 eLearning Statistics For 2019 You Need To Know

Top 20 eLearning Statistics For 2019 You Need To Know - Infographic The eLearning industry continues to expand, offering an ever-increasing array of eLearning tools to companies, government bodies, and individuals. The reach of eLearning today is greater than ever with the most rapid growth in emerging economies trying to close the education gap. In this […]

10 Myths About Professional Training

10 Myths About Professional Training - Infographic So there you have it: the most common myths about professional training debunked. The stats above speak for themselves, but let’s look a little closer into what they’re actually telling us about viable professional training options and how to make them work for you and/or your organisation. Myth […]

10 Myths About Professional Training

10 Myths About Professional Training Professional training is one of the most valuable activities an organisation can do to foster employee motivation, maximise performance and, ultimately, grow the business. For individuals, training can be a springboard to a promotion, a career-change and job satisfaction. So why are there so many objections to professional training? 10 […]

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