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The Mobile Learning Landscape 2015 Infographic

The Mobile Learning Landscape 2015 Infographic Widespread adoption of smartphones and tablets has fuelled extensive interest among learning professionals about the use of mobile devices for training delivery. What is the state of mobile learning in 2015? Is growth underway? Are obstacles being surmounted only to give way to new stumbling blocks? Or is mobile […]

Traditional Training vs the Bite Size Approach Infographic

Traditional Training vs the Bite Size Approach Infographic The Traditional Training vs the Bite Size Approach Infographic explains why Microlearning is the ideal training solution for employees’ shrinking attention spans! We need a new way to solve for society’s shift towards hyper attention and Microlearning is the answer. Small, bite-size lessons solve for dwindling attention spans, […]

Boosting Knowledge Retention in eLearning Infographic

Boosting Knowledge Retention in eLearning Infographic If you are an instructional designer, have you wondered how you can create sticky courses? How can you create courses that learners will remember easily and recall effortlessly long after they are back at their workplaces? It is challenging because forgetting is natural. The Boosting Knowledge Retention in eLearning Infographic […]

The Guide to Competency Based Education Infographic

The Guide to Competency Based Education Infographic Want to learn how to reduce the cost of your college degree? The Guide to Competency Based Education Infographic serves as a visual guide to everything you need to know about competency based education (CBE). The infographic shows the evolution of alternative credit pathways throughout the history of […]

How to Deal With Exam Anxiety Infographic

How to Deal With Exam Anxiety Infographic When it comes to coping with exam stress I’m sure you feel that you’re suffering on your own. It’s worth knowing then that you aren’t alone and that millions of students each year find successful and effective ways to overcome their exam worries and fears. After all, worrying […]

How to Get Kids Excited about Reading Infographic

How to Get Kids Excited about Reading Infographic More and more parents realize that getting their kids to read becomes a real challenge. The How to Get Kids Excited about Reading Infographic presents the ways parents can facilitate the process of teaching children to read. 1. Read to your toddlers early and often. Songs and […]

History of Computer Aided Language Learning Infographic

History of Computer Aided Language Learning Infographic Contrary to popular opinion, using technology is not a new phenomenon within the English Language Teaching (ELT) world. The History of Computer Aided Language Learning Infographic is a brief timeline of how technology is being used for language learning over time. Behaviourist CALL (1950s - 1970s) Conceived in […]

Microsoft's Impact on Education Infographic

Microsoft's Impact on Education Infographic From teachers and school leaders to governments and communities around the globe, a massive effort is underway to modernize and transform education. This transformation is a long journey, full of unexpected twists and turns, lessons learned and best practices. Microsoft is partnering with schools and campuses that are working to […]

Getting Started with Extended Enterprise Learning Infographic

Getting Started with Extended Enterprise Learning Infographic Extended Enterprise (EE) learning is any training, knowledge, certification or performance support provided to your non-employees – such as channel distribution partners, resellers, dealers, franchises, members, customers and end-users of your products and services. Extended Enterprise learning is facilitated by a Cloud-based LMS, such as Docebo. Check out the Getting […]

Popular Learning Evaluation Models Infographic

Popular Learning Evaluation Models Infographic Learning is an investment and like any investment, it’s crucial to measure the outcomes. But because learning is often so intangible and individual, that measurement is often pretty tough. It’s not like working out how much money you saved by swapping the office over to energy-saving lightbulbs – there are a […]

10 Tips to Get eLearners Engaged Infographic

10 Tips to Get eLearners Engaged Infographic Are you looking for a fresh approach to engaging your learners? Learner engagement is at the heart of successful and memorable learning. Getting learners engaged, enthused and motivated by their learning path is a strategic objective of many learning and development professionals. And it's not always an easy task. The 10 […]

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