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5 Innovative Training Strategies for Insurance Sector that work

5 Innovative Training Strategies for Insurance Sector that Work Infographic In today’s environment of economic volatility, increasing calamities (natural and man-made) and changing global dynamics, the Insurance sector needs to adopt training approaches that will help them equip their employees to manage these variables successfully. While the Insurance sector continues to grow, the Learning and […]

How to Write a Remarkable Essay Infographic

How to Write a Remarkable Essay Infographic It’s already a well-known fact that the essay is used as a form of assessment in many academic disciplines and is used in both coursework and exams. The basic structure of an essay is always the same no matter what. You may be writing it to argue for […]

How Recruiters Read Your CV Infographic

How Recruiters Read Your CV Infographic An impressive CV is crucial in the pursuit of your next career move; but how much do you know about the recruiters you are trying to impress? Which areas of your CV do they study most? How do they like to see the information presented? How do you ensure that they actually […]

Online vs Traditional Education Infographic

Online vs Traditional Education: What is Better for You Choosing a college is never easy, but before you pick the specific school you want to attend, you must first decide whether you want to pursue an education at an online university or a brick-and-mortar college. The end result is the same — a profession that […]

10 Life Lessons From Kung Fu Panda Infographic

10 Life Lessons From Kung Fu Panda Infographic The Kung Fu Panda packs some heavy wisdom nuggets for children in the light-hearted animation series full of thrill and adventure. Po is fat and clumsy. When the Wise Turtle Master Oogway chooses him as the Dragon Warrior - he is as surprised as the Furious Five […]

Creativity and Employability Infographic

Creativity and Employability Infographic Education Scotland and Creative Scotland have developed a range of infographics exploring creativity skills. The Creativity and Employability Infographic shows how creativity skills and creative learning are front and centre in developing our young workforce – whether for jobs in the growth creative industries or becoming a ‘go getter’ in any […]

5 Instructional Design Mistakes You Can Avoid Infographic

5 Instructional Design Mistakes You Can Avoid Infographic Everyone makes mistakes. Yes, even Instructional Designers! View the 5 Instructional Design Mistakes You Can Avoid Infographic to learn how you can avoid some common mistakes. 1. Too much on-screen text A screen with a lot of text on-screen overwhelms the user and reduces the chances of retaining the information. […]

Fun Ways To Improve Your Memory Infographic

Fun Ways To Improve Your Memory Infographic Having a good memory is more than just remembering where we left our keys and when is our best friend's birthday, it is also about disciplining your mind and being more self-aware. Having that in mind, Memory Improvement created a simple infographic with seven fun ways to improve your […]

School Counselors: Key to Student Success Infographic

School Counselors: Key to Student Success Infographic At its most fundamental level, school counseling programs promote and enhance the learning process for all students — ensuring the academic, career and personal/social development of students from pre-kindergarten to 12th grade. The goal of school counselors and their programs is to ensure that today’s students are tomorrow’s […]

7 eLearning Benefits Infographic

7 eLearning Benefits Infographic The infographic presenst the top 7 benefits of eLearning. 1. Scalable eLearning enables us to quickly create and communicate new policies, training, ideas and concepts. Entertainment or formal education, elearning is nimble! 2. Capacity and Consistency Using eLearning allows educators to achieve a great degree of coverage for their target audience […]

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