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5 Ways To Make Online Compliance Training Engaging

5 Ways To Make Online Compliance Training Engaging—Infographic Making compliance training engaging is a challenge for most training managers. Here are 5 ways to make online compliance training engaging. 1. Make Online Compliance Training Realistic Link compliance training to the real world and on-the-job situations to make learners understand that the training being provided will […]

7 Microlearning Benefits For Organizations

7 Microlearning Benefits For Organizations—Infographic Microlearning solutions being short and focused allow effective knowledge transfer and retention. What's more? They can be availed by learners anytime, any anywhere, taking training beyond the classroom. 1. Accelerates Time To Proficiency Provides easy accessibility at various moments of need Provides reinforcement of what is learned 2. Cost-Effective Approach […]

Implementing Blended Learning? A Quick Reference For Training Managers

Implementing Blended Learning? A Quick Reference For Training Managers—Infographic Investment in classroom training alone doesn't make business sense for organizations. When you want to leverage the strengths of both classroom as well as online training, opting for blended learning would be a smart decision. When To Use Classroom Training In Blended Learning Address The Need […]

How To Improve Learner Engagement In eLearning

How To Improve Learner Engagement In eLearning—Infographic Hosting a whole lot of eLearning resources on your LMS does not guarantee learner engagement in eLearning. Here are 7 ways to promote learner engagement. 1. Make eLearning A priority If you're just getting started with eLearning implementation present an impressive business case to the top management. Pay […]

7 Tips To Create Effective Visual Communication In eLearning

7 Tips To Create Effective Visual Communication In eLearning—Infographic 1. Take Time To Select Images Ponder over specific visuals for your training slides. Make sure to answer some questions, such as: Would you like your students to take some action? Or would you like to evoke a positive emotion in them? Choose images that help […]

When Is Microlearning A Good Fit For Corporate Training?

When Is Microlearning A Good Fit For Corporate Training?—Infographic Microlearning can be a win-win for employees and organizations. But how do you decide whether microlearning is a good fit for online training in your organization? It will, when you tick these boxes: 1. Are Employees Hard-Pressed For Time? Getting employees to make time for training […]

The State of Popup Banner Campaigns on eLearning Industry 2019 Edition Infographic

The State of Popup Banner Campaigns on eLearning Industry 2019 Edition Infographic Every year, our Digital Marketing Experts analyze data from over 9M Popup Banner Impressions delivered to eLearning Professionals worldwide helping them to discover new eLearning Resources, Software, Features, Services, and Best Practices. eLearning Industry’s Numbers Until Now 570.813 Active Users per Month 97.000 […]

Why Choose Microlearning For Refresher Training?

Why Choose Microlearning For Refresher Training?—Infographic 1. Performance Support When an employee needs to execute a task but does not remember how, 2-3 minute microlearning modules act as performance support tools. 2. Easy Access Through Mobile Devices Microlearning solutions can be delivered across a variety of mobile devices: iPads, tablets, and smartphones. This makes microlearning […]

5 Statistics To Prove Why The Corporate Workplace Loves Microlearning

5 Statistics To Prove Why The Corporate Workplace Loves Microlearning - Infographic Delivering content through bite-sized microlearning nuggets eases content delivery and consumption. But why should the corporate workplace adopt microlearning? Check these eye opening stats. Reduces Cost of Training Rapid development is possible with microlearning modules. Microlearning content can be developed 300% faster than […]

The Importance Of Mobile-Ready Web Design

The Importance Of Mobile-Ready Web Design Infographic This infographic details the importance of having a website that is responsive in 2019. We believe every business that has website should have a responsive design in today's day & age. In this infographic, you will see how many adults use a smartphone, different levels of income versus […]

IT Industry – Global Vs Indian Infographic

IT Industry – Global Vs Indian Infographic Information Technology (IT) has changed the dynamics of the not only the market but also the industries in particular. The reason behind such a revolution is the power statistical/logical of decision making. People not only earn greater profits they also optimize their wealth. The IT Industry has seen […]

The Science Of Sharing: Who Shares What, Where, & Why Infographic

The Science Of Sharing: Who Shares What, Where, & Why Infographic We wanted to better understand the behavior of people on social media—what age groups are sharing on what platforms, what content formats are shared, and what emotions inform our motivations. We collected and compiled data to answer these questions. Here are some of our […]

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