Student Summer Storage Tips Infographic

Student Summer Storage Tips Infographic

Student Summer Storage Tips Infographic

When you’re a student packing up all your possessions and transporting them back home every summer is a real chore. Dragging suitcases and bin liners full of dirty clothes on to a train or into the back of car is hard enough, but what about those duvets and pillows, computers, TVs, posters etc?

Over the course of a year, you'd be amazed how many extra items you pick up, even with only a maintenance loan to spend. As well as the standard additions of text books and learning equipment, there's the additional memorabilia from spectacular nights to think about, the useless tat bought on Amazon at god knows what hour in the morning and the additional beer glass you might pick up at the odd bar.

Well, do not fear, help is on hand as the Student Summer Storage Tips Infographic shows there are plenty of storage options available that will save you or your parents having to hire a van to transport your goods up and down the motorway. Perfect for any student attending university or college wary of asking their parents for a favour!

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