Moving From ILT To VILT: A 4-Step Guide To A Successful Transition

Moving From ILT To VILT: A 4-Step Guide To A Successful Transition

Moving From ILT To VILT: A 4-Step Guide To A Successful Transition—Infographic

1. Adapting ILT To VILT

  • Identify the components of the training material.
  • Curate the content. Determine what to keep, rewrite, or eliminate.
  • Establish training goals.

2. Set Up VILT Interactions

  • Audience polls—ask more questions and create discussions
  • Visually appealing images and videos to drive key points
  • Whiteboard brainstorming sessions
  • Live Q&As

3. Strategic Learning And Development Assessments

  • Pre-session assessments to qualify learners.
  • Live micro-assessments to keep track of progress.
  • Post-session feedback questions.

4. Training The Trainer


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