The Habits of Today’s College Students Infographic

The Habits of Today’s College Students Infographic

The Habits of Typical College Students Infographic

  1. Textbooks
    1. Nearly three in five students (57%) report paying for textbooks themselves
    2. More than three in four students (77%) prefer to purchase used textbooks
    3. 85% percent of students purchase textbooks online
    4. Half prefer to rent and one in four (25%) prefer to purchase new
  2. Note-Taking
    1. Nine in ten students (91%) report taking notes on paper
    2. 35% of students report taking notes on a laptop
    3. Approximately 11% take notes on a tablet and 9% in the textbook
  3. eBooks
    1. Nearly half of all students (48%) have been assigned an eBook for a course
    2. 44% of students reporting they are somewhat or very happy using eBooks and 39% are somewhat or very unhappy using eBooks
  4. Technology
    1. Nearly all college students (96%) own a laptop
    2. 90% of college students own a smartphone
    3. Students report spending 13.5 hours a week using a laptop for recreational purpose and spend the same amount of time, 13.5 hours on average, using their smartphones for recreational purposes.
  5. Social Media
    1. Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, and Gmail are the most popular websites among college students with a majority of students maintaining Google+, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Pinterest accounts
    2. 92% of college students have a Facebook account and more than four in five (82%) have a YouTube account
    3. College students spend an average of 7.6 hours on Facebook every week, nearly 5 hours on YouTube and almost 3 hours on Instagram and3 hours on Twitter per week
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