The Habits of Typical College Students Infographic
- Textbooks
- Nearly three in five students (57%) report paying for textbooks themselves
- More than three in four students (77%) prefer to purchase used textbooks
- 85% percent of students purchase textbooks online
- Half prefer to rent and one in four (25%) prefer to purchase new
- Note-Taking
- Nine in ten students (91%) report taking notes on paper
- 35% of students report taking notes on a laptop
- Approximately 11% take notes on a tablet and 9% in the textbook
- eBooks
- Nearly half of all students (48%) have been assigned an eBook for a course
- 44% of students reporting they are somewhat or very happy using eBooks and 39% are somewhat or very unhappy using eBooks
- Technology
- Nearly all college students (96%) own a laptop
- 90% of college students own a smartphone
- Students report spending 13.5 hours a week using a laptop for recreational purpose and spend the same amount of time, 13.5 hours on average, using their smartphones for recreational purposes.
- Social Media
- Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, and Gmail are the most popular websites among college students with a majority of students maintaining Google+, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Pinterest accounts
- 92% of college students have a Facebook account and more than four in five (82%) have a YouTube account
- College students spend an average of 7.6 hours on Facebook every week, nearly 5 hours on YouTube and almost 3 hours on Instagram and3 hours on Twitter per week
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