The Ultimate Revision Cheat Sheet Infographic

The Ultimate Revision Cheat Sheet Infographic

The Ultimate Revision Cheat Sheet Infographic

Exam revision and studying are words that every student in the world will be deeply familiar with. We’ve all been there, trying our best to cram all the specialist knowledge on any given topic in our heads in order to brilliantly conjure up a well thought-out argument and prove our fine-tuned abilities to think creatively and critically.

Revision can be daunting for even the seasoned student. You’ve studied hard throughout the year and gained reams of notes. How do you know where to start? And what are the best techniques to use?

The Ultimate Revision Cheat Sheet is crammed full of handy hints for exam success. You’ll find the very best tips and tricks that will carry you through any strenuous study session. We hope you find the advice helpful, and good luck with your exams!

What are the top three tips?

  • Write everything important down over and over again, until you can say it in your sleep – whether that be in a journal, on a whiteboard or on your computer. Writing by hand has been proven as the most effective method of remembering.
  • If you must type up your notes, don’t forget that some fonts are easier and quicker to read than others. Choose a serif font such as Palatino, Georgia or Garamond for speedy reading.
  • Write quotes and sums on post-it notes and stick them everywhere: on your bathroom mirror, by your favourite mug, on your laptop. You could also opt for digital flashcards using a programme like Memrise to remember specific facts and figures on the go.
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