Top 15 College Tricks Infographic

Top College Tricks Infographic

Top College Tricks Infographic

  1. Use the bathroom before a test.
  2. Make your friends during freshman year! It might be too late when you become sophomore.
  3. When feeling lazy about doing the dishes, use tortillas as plates.
  4. Never submit the same paper in two classes, it might be considered as plagiarism. Ask your professor first.
  5. Coffee-pot heater can help with your toast, to cook an egg, or even make ramen soup (just use a bowl instead so your coffee doesn’t end up tasting funny)!
  6. Heavy sleeper? Stick your phone inside an empty glass to amplify the alarm.
  7. Invest in a laptop lock.
  8. Record lectures in addition to taking note so that you have two ways to study later.
  9. Build your GPA in the beginning of the semester when coursework is easier.
  10. Purchase textbooks online, as they are often cheaper than in the bookstore.
  11. Alternate study spaces to stave off boredom.
  12. Join or form a study group and meet regularly.
  13. Make and use flashcards.
  14. Take a 10-minute break per hour studied. Get up and stretch and move!
  15. Always carry highlighter or colored pens.
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