Wearable Technology Infographic

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How Wearable Tech is Transforming a Coach’s Decision Making Infographic

How Wearable Tech is Transforming a Coach’s Decision Making Infographic Technology companies are making massive strides in developing and marketing wearable devises for athletic teams. Companies like Zephyr Technology, Viperpod, Smartlife, miCoach, and Catapult are transforming how athletic coaches make decisions, how sports are played, and ultimately, the performance, health, and safety of professional sports […]

Wearable Technology in the Classroom Infographic

While smartphone, tablets, and laptops are becoming increasingly more common in the classroom, the next big wave of innovation will be the growth of wearable technology for educational purposes. Google glass, smart watches and productivity wristbands will all have an impact on the world of teaching and learning and the rapid adoption of technology in […]