Innovative Animations Infographic – The No.1 Source for the Best Blended Learning Infograpics
How To Combine Animated And Self-Recorded Videos In Your Courses

How To Combine Animated And Self-Recorded Videos In Your Courses—Infographic Why should you include animation in your self-recorded courses? What Self-Recorded Courses Are Lacking Abstract ideas Difficulties in explaining abstract and complex things Tricky editing Change your mind? Film it again. Attention lost Lecturer talking on screen for hours is not that fun. How Animated […]

Innovative Animations Infographic

Instructional designers, trainers and educators have long realized the true value of animation as one of the main techniques that should be used to increase the audience’s engagement and retention during an eLearning course. The Innovative Animations Infographic presents a handful of different types of animation that the majority of us all encounter or benefit […]