Bite Size eLearning Approach Infographic – The No.1 Source for the Best Blended Learning Infograpics
7 Reasons Microlearning Works Today Infographic

7 Reasons Microlearning Works Today Infographic Microlearning, or bite-size learning, speaks to what science has long known about the brain’s inner workings and helps learners focus—despite their diminishing attention spans—by providing information in a manner aligned with their brain’s wiring. We wouldn’t expect an infant to master the mechanics of walking after one successful step […]

Traditional Training vs the Bite Size Approach Infographic

Traditional Training vs the Bite Size Approach Infographic The Traditional Training vs the Bite Size Approach Infographic explains why Microlearning is the ideal training solution for employees’ shrinking attention spans! We need a new way to solve for society’s shift towards hyper attention and Microlearning is the answer. Small, bite-size lessons solve for dwindling attention spans, […]