assessment infographic – The No.1 Source for the Best Blended Learning Infograpics
8 Takeaways on Thoughtful Assessment Infographic

8 Takeaways on Thoughtful Assessment Infographic Many of us didn't begin our education careers with expertise in classroom assessment. Our pre-service preparation focused primarily on the act of instructing, defined as planning and delivering lessons. Assessments typically came from the textbook materials, they were administered after instruction was complete, and their results took the form […]

4 Components of a Balanced Assessment System Infographic

4 Components of a Balanced Assessment System Infographic The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) emphasizes the need for a balanced assessment system (BAS). While there’s a lot of uncertainty about the fate of ESSA, many of us in the K–12 world understand the inherent rightness of a BAS and will persist in seeking that kind […]

Giving Students Feedback on Assessment Infographic

Giving Students Feedback on Assessment Infographic When students complete an assessment, as teachers, we then have an opportunity to respond through our marking and feedback. This is a wonderful chance to do a little more teaching, particularly individualised teaching, through our feedback. The Giving Students Feedback on Assessment Infographic is based on Ann Wilson’s Talk and […]

Top 10 Benefits of Testing Infographic

Top 10 Benefits of Testing Infographic Testing gets a bad rap, because it’s usually associated with the nerve-wracking, ‘high-stakes’ assessments students get at the end of every year – from GCSE’s to A-Level to University exams. But testing can also be a very useful studying technique, allowing you to objectively test your own knowledge and […]

A Guide to Formative Assessment Infographic

A Guide to Formative Assessment Infographic It’s your first big lesson of the new school year, and you’ve spent a ton of time planning the perfect activity to engage your class. But after the lesson is over, you have a sneaking suspicion most of your students left class confused, though you’re not totally sure. Now […]

Blended and Online Assessment Taxonomy Infographic

Blended and Online Assessment Taxonomy Infographic The first part of an assessment design is the most obvious; the student performance, or more simply referred to as the activity. This requires a student to show the teacher what they know or can do. The second part assessment design is often assumed or omitted; however, this part […]

The Educational Assessment Landscape Infographic

The Educational Assessment Landscape Infographic Assessments are a key component of all education systems and play a critical role in a student’s learning journey. By measuring student achievement and skill mastery, assessments help students learn, teachers improve instruction, administrators decide how to allocate resources, and policymakers evaluate the efficacy of education programs. The Educational Assessment […]

How to create efficient quizzes Infographic

Students shouldn’t only be listeners. They should also interact with learning content. Quiz is one of the possible interactions that gives great results for long-term knowledge. There are four basic types of questions: multiple choice, single choice, true/false and fill in the blanks. As I’ll explain, these types serve slightly different purposes, but the main […]