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Why eLearning is Perfect for Millennials Infographic

Why eLearning is Perfect for Millennials Infographic It’s true, Millennials are entering the workforce in droves and often leaving employers scratching their heads as to the best way to handle these digital natives. No longer is the business world dominated by traditional thinking when it comes to hours, work habits, or even employee training. With […]

7 Facts Αbout Teachers Infographic

7 Facts Αbout Teachers Infographic Teaching is one of the most noble of professions. The 7 Facts Αbout Teachers Infographic presents some interesting things about teachers and teaching you probably didn’t know. Employment growth of 15% is expected among teachers for the next 10 years due to rising demand globally. Around 70% of educators use […]

A History of Digital Technology Infographic

A History of Digital Technology Infographic The History of Digital Technology Infographic by Magic Logix presents significant milestones related to computing and the internet. Monumental events include the following: Creation of APRANET Foundation of Microsoft Foundation of Apple Varying numbers of people using the internet Ebay, Ask Jeeves Napster Stages of HTML Facebook, MySpace (my […]

Dyslexia Awareness Infographic

Dyslexia Awareness Infographic: Overcoming the Effects of Dyslexia  The Dyslexia Awareness Infographic explains how to overcome the effects of dyslexia through awareness. Dyslexia is a common learning difficulty causing problems with writing, reading, and spelling. However, unlike learning disabilities, it does not affect intelligence. So, if you are not aware of dyslexia, this infographic will […]

How To Learn Any Language In Record Time Infographic

How To Learn Any Language In Record Time Infographic Many of us wish we could speak a different language, especially when we travel to our favorite vacation destination. However, learning all of the different grammar techniques, native twangs and complex vocabularies can be incredibly daunting and will often put us off even trying to grasp […]

10 Essential CV Writing Verbs Infographic

10 Essential CV Writing Verbs Infographic When writing your CV, the content is obviously very important, but fewer things are more important than the verbs you choose to include. Verbs are words that are used to describe actions, so it’s crucial that you include powerful verbs that accurately describe your actions in the workplace and […]

5 Best Totally Free Screencast Tools Infographic

5 Best Screencast Tools That Are Totally Free There are many times when you try in vain to find the best free screencast softwares that works for your screencasts. Multiple installation and uninstallation will be a waste of time and productivity. Here are 5 best tools among thousands of software out there that totally do […]

Immersive Learning in Corporate Training Infographic

Why Immersive Learning is the Next Big Thing in Corporate Training EdTech ecosystem is booming and you may have heard of Serious Games, MOOCs, COOCs, Mobile Learning, Rapid Learning, Virtual Classes and so on... However the next big thing is Immersive Learning = Simulated and controlled learning situations x Virtual Reality Virtual Reality takes people to […]

How The World Reads Infographic

How The World Reads Infographic Despite the emergence of audio books and podcasts as alternatives to the normal printed books, reading proves to be an important facet of learning and conveying messages among humans. In fact, UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) revealed that the global youth literacy rate rose to 90% in 2011 (census decades […]

Homework Around The World Infographic

Homework Around The World Infographic The amount of homework children do varies wildly from nation to nation. More homework doesn't necessarily mean a better education. According to the Homework Around The World Infographic, created by Ozicare Life Insurance, the countries that offer the best education systems around the world don't always dole out piles of […]

42 Quotes on the Importance of Play Infographic

42 Quotes on the Importance of Play Infographic Tests, technology, standardized cirriculum, social media, organized events, and so much more – children's lives are more micro-managed and hectic than ever! That's why unstructured play and recess are so essential to a child's growth and development in every single way. When children engage in free play […]

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