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Easter Egg Decoration Ideas for the Classroom Infographic

Easter Egg Decoration Ideas for the Classroom Infographic Have you started creating egg-related lesson plans? If not, you still have time for that. Easter is the perfect time for engaging students in some fun classroom activities. There are many different ways for celebrating Easter in the classroom. Baking Easter biscuits, egg hunt, colouring Easter themed […]

Educational Equity and Out-of-School Learning Infographic

Educational Equity and Out-of-School Learning Infographic Traditional education wasn’t designed for today’s connected world. Information, resources, and learning opportunities are everywhere; schools are just a piece of the larger learning landscape. Out-of-school learning simply means more opportunities for learning. Whether it’s after-school, summer, weekend, or online programs, they present a range of opportunities to parents […]

9 Critical Steps of Converting Legacy eLearning Infographic

Flash to HTML5: 9 Critical Steps of Converting Legacy eLearning Infographic Converting legacy eLearning content and going from Flash to HTML5 can be a huge undertaking. There’s quite a few steps to take in order to make it successful, so ensure you don’t miss any by using this fool proof checklist. Stuck with old, outdated […]

How the World of Work is Changing Infographic

How the World of Work is Changing Infographic The workplace of today looks dramatically different to the workplace of yesteryear. Besides obvious technological changes – computers replacing typewriters and machines replacing people – social change has ushered more women into what used to be predominantly a man’s world. It all began during World War I […]

The Case for Fully Guided Instruction Infographic

The Case for Fully Guided Instruction Infographic The Case for Fully Guided Instruction Infographic is based on the article Putting Students on the Path to Learning: The Case for Fully Guided Instruction which appeared in the American Educator, in its 2012 Spring edition. It is, itself, a popular and shortened version of the seminal 2016 […]

The Crazy Way We Work Infographic

The Crazy Way We Work Infographic When I think of one word to describe contemporary work habits, it’s unsustainable. We’re working drastically longer hours, while incurring high physical and emotional costs, for only marginal gains in productivity. The Crazy Way We Work Infographic illustrates some interesting (and surprising) stats on our struggle with productivity in […]

How to Keep Learning Infographic

How to Keep Learning (When You Are Not That Young) At some point in our lives, we all notice that learning does not come as easily as it used to. We start wondering if it is too late or we are too old. But what if there are ways to keep learning even when you […]

MBA vs Masters in Management Infographic

MBA vs Masters in Management: 11 Differences that Matter An MBA degree often inspires thoughts of high-powered executives working at some of the biggest firms in the world. Hence it is no surprise that tens of thousands of applicants apply every year in an attempt to make it into the top MBA schools. Until recently […]

Handwriting Vs Typing Infographic

Handwriting Vs Typing: Why The Pen Is Mightier Than The Keyboard Nowadays technology dominates our lives – at work, at home, at college and everywhere in between. Students are particularly immersed in using laptops for note taking in schools and colleges and less people are writing notes by hand. Why Handwritten Notes are Better Even […]

20 Motivational Quotes That Will Inspire You to Succeed Infographic

20 Motivational Quotes That Will Inspire You to Succeed Infographic There is no other kicker like motivation. Being motivated is rather very important in the current busy humdrum of life and goals. Everyday motivation can be tad difficult, considering the kind of deadlines and targets we all operate on. We constantly seek a quick bite […]

How ADHD Impacts Learning in Grade School Infographic

How ADHD Impacts Learning in Grade School Infographic In grade school, increasing workloads can be hard for students to keep up with. For some kids, this is when symptoms of ADHD first become noticeable—and your child’s teacher may see signs before you do. Here are some ways ADHD impacts learning in grade school. Read also: […]

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