How do you make training fun and engaging? Infographic

Employee learning and fun are two words that are not normally seen together.

Today the big question is “How do you make training fun and engaging?”

Before we proceed any further, let us define “fun.” Fun is the enjoyment in a particular leisure activity that does not require much of a serious thinking. Many times, it has been associated with recreation, play and learning. This is the result of the social media revolution that has taken place.
Normal characteristic features of fun are:
· It is a healthy diversion
· Amusing
· Light in nature
· Engaging

On the other hand, engagement is defined as mental or emotional involvement like commitment. For learners engagement is the act of investing efforts and hard work in an activity to expect meaningful outcome.
From these definitions, it is clear the fun can lead to engagement. However, how does fun in context of e-learning lead to engagement with the training program is explained in the infographic that is designed by our talented team!

These e-Learning trends are here to stay. And, online or web based training has become a more viable option these days to provide quick and relevant training at low cost and high on value. Moreover online training gives people to plan their own learning time as per their convenience, allowing greater flexibility. Work gets over and training too without a worry.

Moreover online training applications can be customized to suit one’s need. They are available all the time and accessible too, provided internet is supported and supportive. Online training or web based training are the wings of e-learning.

Businesses are taking a jump from one boundary to another and growing by leaps and bounds. Web based services will only add to the growth. TLT offers online learning solutions and services using the technology of Learning Management System (LMS) that makes training a lot easier. E-learning is the modern age training gear. It assist employees in learning, achieving and to become competitive. And with these benefits, what becomes imperative for organizations is to adopt technologies to lead the path and move to e-learning, create a culture of commitment and engagement and eliminate absenteeism.

So, how are you keeping your employees happy?

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