Middle School Infographics

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10 Ways to Make Everyday Earth Day Infographic

10 Ways to Make Everyday Earth Day Infographic Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22. Worldwide, various events are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First celebrated in 1970, Earth Day events in more than 193 countries are now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network. Here are 10 ways to make […]

Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Infographic

Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Infographic Fundamental Theorem of Calculus basically shows the relation between differentiation and integration. The theorem has two parts: Part I : First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (FTC1 ) Part 2: Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (FTC2) FTC1 states that differentiation and integration are inverse of each other. It also relates antiderivative […]

Secondary School Science Labs Infographic

UK Secondary School Science Labs To help build a picture of the overall quality of secondary school science labs in the UK, the team at Innova Design Solutions conducted a survey with leading teaching professionals. The results are presented in the Secondary School Science Labs Infographic offering some real insights. A shocking 49.5% of teaching […]

Roles of Readers in Close Reading Infographic

Roles of Readers in Close Reading Infographic The Common Core State Standards have put close reading in the spotlight as never before. While middle and high school teachers want and need students to connect with, analyze, and learn from both literary and informational texts, many are unsure how to foster the skills students must have […]

Deeper Learning for Alegbraic Understanding Infographic

Deeper Learning for Alegbraic Understanding Infographic The Deeper Learning for Alegbraic Understanding Infographic covers the six competencies of Deeper Learning and shares strategies for using these competencies to make learning algebra more empowering, effective, and meaningful. Providing the right conditions for learning, every student can successfully understand algebra. What are these ideal conditions? They involve students […]

Nurturing the Middle School Mathematicial Mind Infographic

Nurturing the Middle School Mathematicial Mind Infographic The middle school mind is…different. As 13-year-old Logan LaPlante described in his Ted Talk Hack Schooling Makes Me Happy, “Neuroscientists say that the teenage brain is pretty weird: our prefrontal cortex is underdeveloped, but we actually have more neurons than adults, which is why we can be so creative, […]

The Learning Gap Infographic

The Learning Gap Infographic presents the difference between learning hours spent of middle class kids and kids born into poverty. Middle class kids have likely spent 6,000 more hours learning than kids born into poverty. Parents - 220 hours Pre-school - 1,395 hours After-school and extra-curriculars - 3,060 hours Summer learning - 1,080 hours Field […]