Classroom Accommodations for Dyslexia Infographic
For kids with dyslexia, reading and writing can be challenging. The Classroom Accommodations for Dyslexia Infographic presents some common ways schools can make learning more accessible. Keep in mind that the accommodations listed here aren’t the only ones available. Talk to your child’s teachers for more ideas.
For Materials
- Get audiobooks through service like Bookshare, a free online library for students with disabilities.
- Provide pictures of directions and schedules.
- Use large-print text for worksheets.
- Simplify directions with key words for most important ideas.
- Provide colored strips or bookmarks to follow along when reading.
For Teaching Techniques
- Give step-by-step instruction (oral and written).
- Repeat directions, then check to see if students understand.
- Stick to consistent daily routines.
- Use small group teaching.
- Provide notes from the lesson, or organizers to fill in and follow along during the lesson.
- Review skills daily.
- Pre-teach new and important concepts.
For Classwork and Taking Tests
Teachers can...
- Provide extra time for reading and writing.
- Provide different ways to respond, like saying the answers, having larger spaces for writing, or circling an answer instead of filling in the blank.
- Hand out letter and number strips for students to look at so they can see how to write correctly.
- Provide sentence starters that show how to begin a written response.
- Show examples of work that is correct to serve as a model.
- Arrange worksheet problems from easiest to hardest.
- Allow understanding to be demonstrated in different ways (oral reports, video presentations, posters, etc.).
Students can...
- Use a text reader (like a Reading Pen or text-to-speech software).
- Partner up to study-one person writes while the other speaks, or they share the writing.
View also:
- How to Make Your Classroom Dyslexia Friendly Infographic
- Understanding Dyslexia Infographic
- Special Education Accommodations Infographic
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