10 Work From Home Tips To Increase Productivity

It's said that you lose productivity while working from home and cannot perform your tasks effectivity as you do at office. Here are the 10 important tips that you can easily follow to maximise productivity when you work from home.

1) Setup your home workspace: Find a suitable corner at your home that has decent natural lighting. Most importantly it should be a calm area so that you can focus better on your work. Get a comfortable chair placed next to your desk with some necessary stationary materials, water bottle, lamp etc.

2) Turn-off all unwanted notifications: To stay focused and be productive, it’s required that you turn-off your email, social media & call notifications for specific time slots to avoid distractions.

3) Prepare your daily routine: Know the timings of your family members, neighbourhood and others – when they are likely to come and when they will leave. Make your work schedule accordingly so that you get less interruptions while working. Get properly dressed if you normally do. Share your schedule with everyone so that they respect the fact that you are working from home.

4) Add break times in your schedules: It’s equally important to include break times (for lunch, coffee breaks, snacks, power nap, walk) in your schedule. This will help you get recharged and work more efficiently.

5) Make best use of technology and productivity apps: Ensure that you have a fast and reliable internet connection so that you can use cloud based remote working apps effectively. For team communications, you can use Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts, Slack, Microsoft Teams etc. Use Trello, Asana, Basecamp, Dropbox, MS OneDrive etc for project collaboration along with other business productivity that your company uses internally to enhance productivity.

6) Manage your working hours: Remote working gives you flexibility but at the same time ensure that you don’t work excessive overtime which can impact your next day schedule, unless it’s critical.

7) Get a backup plan: Having an additional internet connection as a backup can be a good idea to keep your work going. Similarly, a spare laptop, taking regular backups or knowing someone who can fix your IT issues remotely can be very handy.

8) Stay fit and healthy: Yes, this is something that we least bother while working remotely. Eat healthy, do regular exercise and meditation and take enough sleep to keep your body relaxed.

9) Get time for yourself: Listen to music, watch movies, play games, learn something new etc to stay relaxed and manage stress.

10) Stay connected: Don’t start feeling isolated or disconnected. Talk over the phone, do video calls, play online games, brainstorm on new ideas, connect on social media with your friends and colleagues.

Via: https://www.techresults.co.uk/blog/work-from-home-productivity/
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