10 Things You May Not Know About Excel But You Should Infographic

10 Things You May Not Know About Excel But You Should Infographic

10 Things You May Not Know About Excel But You Should Infographic

You know how to perform basic tasks in Excel, and you consider yourself a “proficient” user, but you also know that there are some features you have heard about, but you do not use them at all.

The time and effort required to learn these features on your own is high – that’s why this online course was created for you! It is full of Learning Nuggets for experts like you! The 10 Things You May Not Know About Excel But You Should Infographic lists all the additional things you need to know about Excel that are explained in the course.

1. Master the Autofill Feature. 
You think you know it, but there is more to it!

2. Customize Excel to Your Needs.
Save clicks by placing your most often used commands in the Quick Access Toolbar and customize the Ribbon.

3. Use Range Names
Instead of using cryptic cell addresses, you can improve your workbooks by performing calculations using Range Names.

4. Learn about 4 Useful Functions
We do not See often enough!

5. Get to Know Some Logical Functions.

  • Count(), Counta() and Countif()
  • HLookup/Vlookup - Find Data Based on Criteria
  • Text Manipulations with Concatenate and &

6. Verify Complex Formulas.
Learn how to calculate one step at a time, showing the calculation first and then the result of each Argument.

7. Get Familiar With Cell Styles.
Use cell styles to quickly apply multiple formatting options to cells at the same time for a neat and consistent appearance.

8. Sparklines.
Understanding Sparklines will add value to your data when used wisely!

7. Tables!
The advantages of organizing data in a table. Yes, a table within Excel!

8. Duplicates.
Every large data collection has duplicates - learn how to remove them!

9. Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts.
Pivot Tables - analyze your data like never before!

10. Managing Large Workbooks.
Learn how to navigate and manage large worksheets. Excel provides features to help control screen displays and locate information quickly.

11. Large Workbooks.
Managing large workbooks - now hassle free!

Via: http://learn.instantlearningserver.com/fileadmin/user_upload/ig/excel/SONIC_Infographics_10_Things_Excel.pdf
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