Top 2014 Back To School And College Trends Infographic

Top 2014 Back To School And College Trends Infographic 

Total spending on back to school is expected to hit $26.5 billion in 2014. Additionally, young adults and their families will spend $48.4 billion to gear up for college, with school supplies and electronics topping shopping lists. The Top 2014 Back To School And College Trends Infographic presents a few trends from NRF’s annual back-to-school and back-to-college survey of families with children in grades K-12 and college students.

3 Back to School Top Trends in 2014

  1. Millennial power
    Teenagers plan to spend $913 million of their own money on school items. They’re also more influential – more than 1 in 10 parents with high school students say ALL of their back-to-school purchases are influenced by their teen children.
  2. Replenishing essentials
    Planned spending is up in every category, with strongest growth in supplies and electronics.
  3. Dog days of summer shopping
    More families will wait out the summer for deals: 25% will shop 1-2 weeks before school, up from 21% last year.

2 Back to College Top Trends in 2014

  1. Surge in electronics and school supplies
    Spending on laptops, desktop computers, tablets and other electronics is up 20% over last year, the highest amount since 2009. Spending on school supplies is also expected to increase 19%.
  2. More searching, shopping online and mobile usage
    More back-to-college shoppers own a smartphone (76%) and/or a tablet (45%) than ever seen in the survey’s history – and they intend to use their devices for shopping.
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