The Learning Management Systems History Infographic

Learning Management Systems (LMS) weren't always the flashy cloud-based software they are today. Going as far back as the 1920s, we have been making steady strides in bringing education and training out of the classroom and to students through technology. The Learning Management Systems History Infographic explores the major milestones in the history of Learning Managements Systems.

Also, an extensive list of Learning Management Systems is also available:

  1. List of Learning Management Systems: Part 1 - 70 LMSs
  2. List of Learning Management Systems: Part 2 - 50 LMSs
  3. List of Learning Management Systems: Part 3 - 30 LMSs
  4. The Ultimate List of Cloud-Based Learning Management Systems

By thinking through their needs, priorities and available resources, organizations can make informed decisions about how best to implement an e-learning system for their own use. The Learning Management System Comparison Checklist of Features can be extremely useful in guiding these decisions.

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