Gamification Design Infographic – The No.1 Source for the Best Blended Learning Infograpics
Gamification And Instructional Design In 6 Easy Steps

With so many students participating (more or less) in remote learning this year, technology-delivered instruction has increased exponentially, but what hasn’t increased exponentially is student engagement.  It is asking too much of most students to stay focused and active during a standard-length class period online.  It didn’t always work that well in a regular classroom, […]

Gamification Design Tips Infographic

Gamification Design Tips Infographic Everyone loves a game, and for good reason too. The addictive nature of gaming is one that we’d all like to harness in our learning. But the science behind also means that you increase learners’ knowledge retention and makes your learners more engaged with learning. Our experience tells us that well-designed […]