The State of Women In STEM Careers Infographic

The State of Women In STEM Careers Infographic

The State of Women In STEM Careers Infographic

While gender stereotypes are beginning to fade, the kind of systemic change that will see many women in science and math jobs takes time. In the fields of science, mathematics, engineering and technology are dominated by men. There is an obvious gender gap in STEM fields that has lived for hundreds of years.

Women have the perception of being the weaker sex and not having much of a presence in math, science and closely related fields. They are underrepresented in the associated industries. A university of Washington study found that women do tend to stay away from some STEM fields because of the masculine culture. Throughout history, women have been the nurturer and seen as the care taker of the household and not of intellectual merit.

Recently, GE announced a goal to have 20,000 women in STEM roles at GE by 2020, and to have equal representation in their technical entry-level programs. Their study shows there is great economic opportunity in working toward a gender balance in STEM.

Today, women are clearly making a push into the STEM related careers. See how women are making progress into STEM industries in this infographic.

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