HR's Role In Eliminating The Growing Concern Of Cyberattacks

HR's Role In Eliminating The Growing Concern Of Cyberattacks

HR's Role In Eliminating The Growing Concern Of Cyberattacks—Infographic

HR plays a crucial role in combating cyberattacks, especially since human error is a leading cause of security breaches. By fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness and responsibility, HR can help reduce risks and promote best practices among employees. Here are some key areas where HR can contribute to strengthening cybersecurity:

Employee Education And Training

Cybersecurity Awareness

HR can develop programs to educate employees on recognizing phishing scams, social engineering, and other common cyber threats. Regular, mandatory cybersecurity training can make employees more vigilant.

Skill Development

HR can also facilitate advanced cybersecurity training for roles with access to sensitive data or systems, ensuring that employees understand how to handle data safely.

Cybersecurity Policies And Enforcement

Clear Guidelines

HR can work with IT to develop and enforce cybersecurity policies, such as strong password policies, secure data handling protocols, and access restrictions.

Regular Policy Updates

As cyber threats evolve, policies must be revisited and communicated. HR should ensure all updates reach employees in a timely and comprehensible way.

Onboarding And Offboarding Security Measures


HR should include cybersecurity training in onboarding to instill a security-focused mindset from day one.


Employees exiting the company pose a potential threat if they retain access to systems. HR must coordinate with IT to revoke access to all accounts immediately upon departure.

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