Citrix Education Infographic: Effectiveness, Productivity, and Expertise!

3 Reasons to Invest in Citrix Education Infographic

3 Reasons to Invest in Citrix Education Infographic

  1. Return On Investment
    • 93% of students said a Citrix Education course made them more effective.
    • 79% of students told us they received a full return on their investment in Citrix Education in 6 months or less.
    • 70% of students became more effective after attending a class.
    • 52% said the knowledge gained enable them to adopt more features of their products.
    • 85% of students said they would be less likely to consider working for an organization that didn't offer continuous learning and development.
    • 54% of students experience increased job satisfaction after taking a Citrix Education course.
  2. In-house Expertise
    The Top 3 benefits realized by our student organization are:

    1. Reduced implementation time
    2. Stronger architecture of their environment
    3. Increased uptime in their environment
  3. My Team can't be away from the office
    Citrix Education offers a wide range of learning formats enabling you to master Citrix technologies anytime, anywhere:

    1. eLearning
    2. Virtual
    3. Learning Labs
    4. Classroom
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