Alzheimer's And Dementia Mild Cognitive Impairment Infographic

Alzheimer's And Dementia Mild Cognitive Impairment Infographic

Alzheimer's And Dementia Mild Cognitive Impairment Infographic

Recognizing that something isn’t right can be a scary feeling. You just recently met someone you chatted to for over an hour, yet you can’t remember their name – that’s not like you. What does it mean? You’re in your 60s, could you be developing dementia? Before you jump to conclusions, it’s important to understand all possibilities.

We are so accustomed to the word dementia, that many are not aware of a less severe syndrome known as mild cognitive impairment. As we get older, it’s normal to experience the odd senior moment, however, noticeable impairments are generally due to some other factor. Based on the symptoms below, is it possible that you are suffering from MCI?

Unlike dementia, MCI does not affect your ability to function independently on a day-to-day basis. In many cases, individuals are fully aware of their impairments and will find ways to compensate.

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