How a Total Learning Strategy Complements A 70:20:10 Framework Infographic

How a Total Learning Strategy Complements A 70:20:10 Framework Infographic

How a Total Learning Strategy Complements A 70:20:10 Framework

Using the latest data from the 2014 Towards Maturity benchmark report and the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies, this infographic shows how the total learning system tessello complements a 70:20:10 learning framework through incorporating four key technologies:

  1. Social learning platform
  2. Coaching and curation tools
  3. Learning Record Store (LRS)
  4. Learning Management System (LMS)

Integrating these four components via the Tin Can or xAPI with a next-generation 70:20:10 approach, the total learning system combines informal and formal learning to improve productivity, increase value and reduce cost at all levels of the enterprise.

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