The Charter Schools Infographic

Charter Schools Today

The only thing growing faster than charter schools is parent demand for them, and it's not hard to see why.

Public charter schools increasingly show positive outcomes for all kinds of students. Every child deserves a school where he or she can succeed, and for many families, a public charter school is an exciting option. If you think a public charter school might be right for your family, check out the infographic we created in partnership with the National Alliance of Public Charter Schools, then use Noodle to find the right school.

Making A Difference For Students

  • Nearly 70% of Americans favor charter schools.
  • 2 in 3 support opening new charter schools

The Charter School Landscape

  • During the 2013-2014 school year, there were an estimated 6,400 charter schools in 40 states and the District of Columbia.
  • 318% growth from 1999-00
  • 118% growth from 2003-04
  • 39% growth from 2008-09
  • The number of public charter schools listed in the top 100 of the U.S. News Best High Schools Rankings has increased from 10 to 24
Demand For Charter Schools
  • More than 2.5 million students are enrolled in public charter schools across the country.
  • 2.57 Million 2013-14 students enrolled
  • 78% growth from 2008-09
  • 225% growth from 2003-04
  • 635% growth from 1999-00
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