INFOGRAPHIC: Emerging Technology Trends Influencing The L&D Field

Emerging Technology Trends Influencing The L&D Field Infographic

The rise of emerging technology trends influencing L&D represents a vital opportunity for learning professionals. Now more than ever before, learners are bombarded with distractions and have easy access to infinite amounts of information. With these technologies, they can offer higher levels of engagement and fully immersive learning, which build excitement and keep the learner’s attention, and also offer better, more useful training at the point of need. So what are these emerging technology trends and what do they offer both IDs and learners? Check out the following infographic to learn about them.

Virtual Reality

  • With rapid advances in technology, VR is becoming more cost effective all the time.
  • Goldman Sachs predicts that people will spend more on VR than TV by 2025.
  • Instructional Designers love the immersion VR offers, capturing learners' full attention while potentially increasing retention.

Augmented Reality

  • AR users increased f torn 60 million in 2013 to 200 million in 2018.
  • A report by Perkins Coin revealed that education was one of the sectors expected to attract the most AR/VR-related investment over the next 12 months.
  • Higher retention may result from having a more interesting and engaging learning experience.

Artificial Intelligence

  • Al can enable smarter learning paths by picking up on and delivering what employees need to know.
  • Al learns and adapts based on user input, then offers personalized experiences.
  • According to Narrative Science, 80% of executives believe Al boosts productivity.'

Big Data

  • Large volumes of data can be analyzed in order to mine insights that lead to better decisions.
  • In a survey by NewVantage Partners of C-Ievel executives in large organizations, 97.2% of respondents indicated that their company is investing in Big Data and Al.


  • Podcast consumption in the US has grown steadily to 26% over the past 10 years.
  • Podcasts are an emerging use of a pre-existing technology.
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