Connecting With Millennial Membership Via A Modern Learning Experience Infographic
With Millennials now owning a majority share of the labor market, a prevalent challenge professional associations now face is meeting the learning needs of millennial members. To remain relevant and valuable to a tech-savvy, knowledge-hungry millennial audience, associations are now actively rethinking their learning strategies to incorporate new kinds of content and delivery methods. Using next-generation learning platforms, associations can play an important role in helping young professionals quickly accumulate knowledge, stay abreast of industry change, and remain in lock-step with fast-moving best practices.
- Baby Boomers are retiring at a rate of 10,000 per day, leaving behind a huge hole in organizational knowledge and leadership.
- More than 30% of American workers today are Millennials.
This group will constitute 75% of the workforce by 2025. - Millennials are now exhibiting increased loyalty to their employers, with an increased number expected to stay with their companies beyond 5 years.
- Millennials are committed to their personal learning and development and this remains their first-choice benefit from employers.
- 51% of Millennials expect they will have to retrain in response to increased use of automation in the workplace.
- The half-life of skills (currently at five years) continues to decrease rapidly, and work is being constantly reinvented.
- 41% of Millennials say they prefer to communicate electronically at work than face to face or even over the telephone.
- Three-quarters (75%) of Millennials believe that access to technology makes them more effective at work.
- 87.4% of professional organizations are offering technology-enabled learning to their members.
An additional 8.4% indicate they plan to use technology in the next 12 months. - Of the professional organizations that are using technology for learning, 41% provide a mobile version of at least some of their content.
- 61.1% of those using technology for learning indicated they are currently offering their members access to a learning platform.
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