How Our Minds Work Infographic

How Our Minds Work Infographic

How Our Minds Work Infographic

Our mind works in different ways and in various different theories. Everything that happens around is governed by minds. It happens because of perception, judgment and thoughts in a particular context. Even simple decisions are made by different and simultaneous mechanisms of the mind.

The Human mind is basically said to have three “sub” minds – the conscious mind, the sub-conscious mind (also called the ego) and the unconscious mind. These three minds work together to create what one perceives as reality. The conscious mind works in a particular way that make people associate with you, because that’s the mind that works in full consciousness. It is not that this part of our mind is dis-connected with our inner self; the fully conscious part of our mind does communicate externally as well as internally. The subs-conscious mind although has in store recent events and constantly communicates with the un-conscious mind. Finally, the un-conscious mind has in store all the memories from the past. This mind also has in store memories that the conscious or the sub-conscious mind does not remember. Such things may have been impactful at the time it happened.

These mind parts work together in every situation in our day-to-day lives. People often get confused om the difference between the brain and the mind. The brain is the organ responsible for thought. It has been proved scientifically that the brain affects the mind, whether it is the after effects of drugs/medication or internal controls. Many theories hold that the brain is a detector of the mind, whereas mind is an inner subjective state of consciousness.

Various philosophers have formulated various theories of what the human mind is. The ancient Greeks believed that the mind received knowledge through values and virtues. Descartes and Leibniz believed that the mind gained knowledge through rationalism. Taking into account that the mind is capable of such power, it is also possible to program your mind to create desired results. Either which ways, one can simply NOT not use the mind power. Even if you are unaware of it, you are using your mind every minute of your day.

Here is a list of facts about how our minds work:

  • On an average, it takes about 66 days to form a habit.
  • Being able to think about how we think is a sign of higher intelligence.
  • Closing your eyes helps you remember things.
  • You are not one person, but three – the one you think you are; the one others think you are; the one you really are.
  • Your brain and your stomach are in constant contact with each other, which is why some emotions affect our stomachs physically, especially distress.
  • Daydreamers are more likely to have dreams and remember them.
  • Spending more time with the person can change first impressions.
  • Close friends and family are the most important source of a child’s happiness.
  • The sense of smell is closely linked with memory. This is precisely the reason why we link a particular cologne to a person we know. It’s our mind’s way of remembering things.
  • Speaking in a deeper voice helps to establish dominance over the person you are talking to.
  • There is a difference between loving the idea of someone and who they really are.
  • People who practice gratitude are more likely to be happy. Hence, writing down a list of things that you are grateful for each day can really cheer you up and induce a lot of positivity in your everyday life.
  • Keeping a dream journal can help you learn to lucid dream.
  • The regular use of two languages appears to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease symptoms.
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