10 Learning Techniques: Which Are The Most Efficient?

10 Learning Techniques Which Are The Most Efficient

10 Learning Techniques: Which Are The Most Efficient?—Infographic

Whether consciously or out of habit, we all use different learning techniques when we come across new information and try to store it in our long-term memory. Some people may have their own preferred techniques based on their learning style, but not all study habits are equally effective.

A recent article in a journal of the Association for Psychological Science evaluated 10 learning techniques based on their utility, efficacy, ease of use, and applicability to different learning situations. The study highlights the benefits and limitations of each technique, such as the effectiveness of highlighting important information versus the potential hindrance to forming a broader understanding. Similarly, while keyword mnemonics may help with memory, they are not recommended due to their inefficiency.

For more details, check out the infographic summarizing these 10 techniques.

Via: https://blogs.onlineeducation.touro.edu/top-10-learning-techniques-which-are-most-efficient/
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