The Digital Diet of the American Teen Infographic

The Digital Diet of the American Teen Infographic

The Digital Diet of the American Teen Infographic

Teens are now spending more time consuming digital media than sleeping. Yep, you read that right. Digital media consumption, aka digital diet, is now the most time-consuming teen activity—above all else.

Digital media is any digitized content that can be transmitted electronically via the Internet, cable or computer networks. This content includes TV programs, movies, videos, music, text messaging, gaming, social media, websites, newspapers, novels, and more. Technological advances provide more devices to access that content, namely smartphones, tablets, computers, TVs, and MP3 players.

Most parents aren’t aware of how much time their teens spend consuming a digital diet nor the intake quality. As digital media consumption increases, teens lose focus more easily, sleep less, and exercise very little.

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