Immerse Yourself in Virtual and Augmented Reality Infographic

Immerse Yourself in Virtual and Augmented Reality Infographic

Immerse Yourself in Virtual and Augmented Reality Infographic

It isn’t just for video games. Rapid advancements in virtual reality and augmented reality technology are poised to alter our daily life over the next several years. Everything from education, the workforce, healthcare and real estate are likely to be transformed in some way by the current revolution in hardware and computing that is making the rise of VR possible.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality serve a higher purpose than a more realistic way to play video games and watch movies. In education, students can use VR to go on virtual field trips and visit prospective colleges. In the healthcare industry, AR can act as a guide for doctors to reduce errors in the practice; and VR can be used as a new tool in both Exposure Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. In current events, VR can take consumers of the news directly into the story to see it as if they are there; the NY Times has its own VR app which is experimenting with bringing the news into VR. Prospective home buyers can have the opportunity to tour a house in VR which cuts down on the time they have to spend at open houses. Google Street View adds to this, allowing users to see the area and the neighborhood as well. Many industries are starting to embrace VR and for a good reason; if they don’t keep up with the evolution of technology then they will be left in the past.

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