User-Friendly Mobile App Development Infographic

User-Friendly Mobile App Development Infographic

User-Friendly Mobile App Development Infographic - Mobile And Web Solutions

Mobile Apps Usage - Statistics And Trends

Mobile phones are no longer tools for just a telephonic conversation. They are effectively replacing our computers and laptops by increasing their processing power and packing on even more stuff inside those slim and tiny bodies.

  • 52%: Time, individuals spend on mobile apps
  • 20%: The increased average time that people spent on apps in 2017
  • 90%: The time spend b the user in apps compared to the mobile Web

By 2020

Mobile apps are forecast to generate around 189 billion U.S. dollars in revenues via app stores.

As of March 2017

There were 2.8 million available apps at Play Store and 2.2 billion apps available in the Apple's App Store.

App Usage Distribution

Mobile apps have been making our lives easy as today we have an app for literally every requirement. From social media to payments, from health tips to food making lessons, this steep demand for apps has created a development industry which is blossoming right now. You can get your app developed for any purpose you may like - leisure or business.

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