Tips for Memorizing a Speech Infographic

Tips for Memorizing a Speech Infographic

Tips for Memorizing a Speech Infographic

The art of public speaking comes naturally to some, while others have to work upon and develop it with time. Stage fright can cause the best of us to forget or fumble with the prepared content, to make an entire speech useless.

Even though natural instincts do play a significant role in this, it certainly helps if the person has an innovative way of preparing and memorizing the speech. Being able to memorize the speech in a fun, creative and innovative way that stays with the speaker, helps in boosting the confidence and morale of the speaker, while also ensuring the stage fright is reduced drastically.

Studies have shown that, when learning a speech, it’s extremely difficult to memorize verbatim text. It's much easier for the human brain to remember distinctive concepts and images, and the relationships between them. So how do you apply this approach to your speech? The Tips for Memorizing a Speech Infographic presents effective ways of speech memorizing.

Steps for Memorizing your Speech

  1. Visualize Your Speech
    Rather than trying to memorize the speech word for word, dissect the speech into a number of key Images. By identifying and visualizing the main milestones of the speech, the speaker can commit the facts to memory.
  2. Blow It Up
    Take the three images and exaggerate them so they become distinctive. By exaggerating the images, they become even more memorable.
  3. Place Your Images
    Next, assign each of the images a location. To do this, create a mental narrative featuring the elements, with each image being in a distinctive location along the journey. By traversing these locations in your mind, you can memorize both the different parts of the speech and the order in which they appear.
  4. Put It All Together

6 Tips for Memorizing Your Speech

  1. Learn the key images and themes, rather than trying to memorize speech word for word.
  2. Blueberries are proven to improve memory and slow cognitive decline.
  3. Drinking green tea increases neuroplasticity a between the parietal and frontal areas of the brain, improving memory.
  4. Napping can improve your capacity to commit new information to memory.
  5. Improving your neuroplasticity will aid in improving your memory - simple tasks such as doodling or taking up new hobbies can help.
  6. Eating foods rich in omega fatty acids can improve your memory.
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