10 Things That Can Happen When You Give Your iPad to Your Kid Infographic

10 Things That Can Happen When You Give Your iPad to Your Kid Infographic

10 Things That Can Happen When You Give Your iPad to Your Kid Infographic

According to a Common Sense Media report, 63% of families earning more than $75,000 a year have tablets in their home. Given those numbers, it’s no wonder that there are some mishaps that can happen when you give your iPad to your children.

Here are the top 10 things that can happen when you hand over your iPad to your kid

  1. iPad becomes a tabletop for her snacks.
  2. Your TV is full of finger swipes.
  3. You never get your iPad back.
  4.  Your child Facetimes your coworker.
  5. Your Facebook profile is full of scores from children’s games.
  6. Selfies… lots of selfies.
  7. Hours spent watching Starwars Lego videos.
  8. They come across your old party photos.
  9. Your folders are rearranged with children games.You get an email with a huge iTunes bill.

See also: Fun Ways Kids Can Learn to Code Infographic


Via: https://www.splashmath.com/blog/2014/01/10-things-that-can-happen-when-you-give-your-ipad-to-your-kid/
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