How Television Affects Childrens' Brain Infographic

How Television Affects Childrens' Brain Infographic

How Television Affects Childrens' Brain Infographic

TV can be entertaining and educational for kids. It can allow them to travel the globe and learn about different cultures. Programs with positive role models can influence viewers to make positive lifestyle changes. However, TV can also have negative effects. TV can affect kids' health, behavior and family life. Kids can learn things from programs that parents don't want them to learn. The How Television Affects Childrens' Brain Infographic takis a look at how TV may be impacting children.

According to the infographic

  • watching TV around bedtime can cause poor sleep habits and irregular sleep schedules will affect the child
  • excessive TV viewing can contribute to poor grades, sleep and behavior problems, and obesity
  • many shows teach stereotypes, violent solutions to problems, and mean behavior
  • TV can contribute to aggressive behavior nightmares, and fear of being harmed
  • kids will spend less time interacting with family members
  • TV can discourage and replace reading, which fosters a child's healthy brain development


  • no TV for newborns to 2-year oldsĀ for older children 1-2 hours per day of educational, nonviolent programming
  • hiding the remote encourages selective programming
  • avoid placing a TV in or near a child's bedroom
  • TV should be watched in the main area of the house under supervision
  • recognize that parents' TV habits can affect their children
  • set limits to media usage
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