Schoolwear Through the Decades Infographic

Schoolwear Through the Decades Infographic

Schoolwear Through the Decades Infographic

From ‘bluecoats’ to blazers and every shirt, cap and blouse in between; schoolwear has undergone massive changes over the last century. School uniforms were first introduced in the 1500s during the reign of Henry VIII, and have since been transformed thanks to changing attitudes, school reform and the emergence of the social classes.

To demonstrate how much schoolwear has changed throughout the decades, here is an illustrated guide to the history of school uniforms. From their fruition in the 16th century right up to the present day, the Schoolwear Through the Decades Infographic shows the ever-changing state of the school uniform, and highlights some of the reasons why today’s students dress the way they do.

School uniforms may have changed, but they still play a pivotal role in helping to foster a sense of pride, belonging and safety among today’s young scholars. Research shows that the right uniform has a number of benefits for students, including improved attendance and increased academic achievement, not to mention the sense of unity and kinship afforded to each and every pupil.

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