How to Plan Meaningful Classroom Discussions Infographic

How to Plan Meaningful Classroom Discussions Infographic

How to Plan Meaningful Classroom Discussions Infographic

Questioning and discussion are two important components of real student engagement that work in tandem to move students from passive participants to active learners. Review the five steps of the discussion process in the How to Plan Meaningful Classroom Discussions Infographic. Post it in your office, share it with your colleagues, or circulate it on social media to improve best practices for classroom discussions.

  1. Prepare: Identify an issue for discussion, frame the focus question, determine skills to spotlight, and assign prep work.
  2. Open: After determining the focus question, kick-off your discussion and make sure players understand the "rules of the game.”
  3. Sustain: Listen to understand, scaffold with questions, and monitor students' participation in the discussion.
  4. Close: Help students consolidate their thinking and identify any unanswered questions.
  5. Reflect: Facilitate student assessment of their learning and use of discussion skills; reflect on the quality of the focus question and discussion processes.

Want more strategies and tips to help you engage your students? Pick up a copy of Questioning for Classroom Discussion.

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