The Mobile Learning Market Infographic
10 Mobile Learning Stats
- Market size: $341 billion
- 80% of people will access internet through a smartphone
- 91% of US workers own a cellphone
- Over 85% of Gen Y owns a smartphone
- Millennials will be 50% of the workforce by 2020
- Mobile Learning Market to reach $9.1 billion by 2015
- Organizations using mobile technologies in learning are reporting more staff and business benefits than those who are not: 29% of mobile users agree that learners put what they learn into practice quickly (compared to 24% of non-mobile users
- The industry sectors with the highest use of mobile devices are: Consultancy (80%); Commercial training providers (60%); Further and higher education (55%) and IT and telecoms (55%). Private sector organizations are more likely to be using m-learning than those in the public or not-for profit sectors.
- Students study 40 minutes more by studying everywhere they go
- 70% of the students surveyed in this study reported an increase in their motivation to learn when mobile devices were used properly.
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