Mistakes New Project Managers Make Infographic

Mistakes New Project Managers Make Infographic

Mistakes New Project Managers Make Infographic

The Mistakes New Project Managers Make Infographic presents some mistakes done by inexperienced project managers and some tips how to avoid them.

1. Communication only on the PM

Tip: Use a well built communication plan and delegate some less important communication for someone on the team. The plan should be visible for everyone, so that people would know who is responsible for the issue.

2. Tight, unrealistic deadliness

Tip: Include the team in the project’s duration estimation to get the most precise numbers. And forget that everything can be finished on time. Include an extra week (or more if needed), so you can be sure to have some buffer.

3. Unclear project scope

Tip: Invest time in creating a well-defined Work Break Down (WBS) structure. Work with the team on it, because the team will implement the work, so they know the best what has to be done. Present the WBS to the client and other stakeholders for minimising the chance of new demands.

4. Failure to get stakeholder buy-in

Tip: Invest time in identifying all the stakeholders and their expectations. A warm project’s kick-off, and inclusion in the decision making process is a good start. Also, important to keep everyone in the loop with status updates, for example, a monthly newsletter newer harmed anyone.

5. Not using a methodology

Tip: Invest time in identifying all the stakeholders and their expectations. A warm project’s kick-off, and inclusion in the decision making process is a good start. Also, important to keep everyone in the loop with status updates, for example, a monthly newsletter newer harmed anyone.

Via: http://www.thejuniorpm.com
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