iOS Vs Android Infographic

iOS Vs Android Infographic

iOS Vs Android Infographic

Android App development and iOS App development, can never be thought without knowing the complexities and technicalities to implement them.

Android App development facilitates high levels of customization, whereas this is a challenging thing with Apple’s iOS App Development.

App development in Android takes 40% more of code lines as compared to Apple’s iOS. It also 30% more costly than its counterpart.

In terms of User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX), Apple seems to clearly top the charts, followed closely by Android at the second place. UX Index for iOS 7 stands at 73%, and that of iOS 6 stands at 69%.

On the other hand, the UX Index of Android-based smartphones is much lower at 50-60%. iOS offers a lucid interface, which is navigation friendly and which makes life easier for the user. Whereas, Apple Apps are more beautifully designed. Android offers a variety of applications to choose from, and this helps in the overall user experience.

Android App development and iOS App development, can never be thought without knowing the complexities and technicalities to implement them.

Android App development facilitates high levels of customization, whereas this is a challenging thing with Apple’s iOS App development.

App development in Android takes 40% more of code lines as compared to Apple’s iOS. It also 30% more costly than its counterpart.

Android also shows susceptibility when it comes to the compatibility issues. Debugging and amendments are a real task in Android OS compared to iOS, due to higher device fragmentation.

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