The Big Wide World of Education Infographic

The Big Wide World of Education Infographic

The Big Wide World of Education Infographic

In the Big Wide World of Education it is hard to come across educational platforms that you really can’t do without! The Big Wide World of Education Infographic presents two impressing and extremely useful platforms, Evernote and Duolingo.

Some key highlights and fun facts from the infographic:

  • Evernote products reach more than 100 million users worldwide.
  • Evernote has 400 employees and is continuing to grow.
  • Evernote is available on all your devices.
  • Duolingo is a free language learning platform with 50 different language courses across 23 languages.
  • Duolingo released their Android app which was downloaded over a million times in the first three weeks.
  • Duolingo has 42 employees of whom many were google employees.
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