A Parent’s Perspective on EdTech and Learning Infographic

A Parent’s Perspective on EdTech and Learning Infographic

A Parent’s Perspective on EdTech and Learning Infographic

Students will not enjoy the full benefits of what is taught in the classroom unless what they are taught is also reflected at home. Therefore, we thought it was essential to share the Parent’s Perspective on EdTech and Learning Infographic by Learning Assembly about parents’ perspectives on the value of edtech!

Some of the most interesting statistics:

  • Parents acknowledge that edtech is growing: 64% of parents say tech has become more integrated into the way teachers teach and students learn.
  • Parents believe in the potential of edtech: 84% of parents say they want their child to have access to educational technology outside of school to extend learning time beyond the school day.
  • Parents believe that implementation of edtech matters: 93% believe technology is a valuable tool to tailor student learning, but only 1 in 3 believe schools are doing an “excellent” job using technology for this purpose.
  • Parents want to learn more about edtech: Parents are enthusiastic about technology, but don’t always understand the terms educators use.

This last point could be a valuable lesson to teachers and administrators as well. For example, if you know your parents want to be more involved (but may be intimidated by the technology to do so), hold technology sessions during back-to-school nights to show how they can help their students with their homework or stay up-to-date on their school events. This open communication can help not only the teachers and parents, but the students get the help they need to succeed and engage in class.

Via: https://learningassembly.org/parent-poll/
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