Your Amazing Memory Infographic

Your Amazing Memory Infographic

Your Amazing Memory Infographic

The human brain is seriously amazing. For example, there are an estimated one billion neurons (nerve cells) in the brain, and they each form about 1,000 connections to other neurons, forming hundreds of billions of connections, enough to store 2.5 billion Petabytes of data, yet our short term memory can only hold about 7 pieces of information for 20 seconds! Why is this the case? And what else does neuroscience and psychology tell us about how memories work in the brain? Check out Your Amazing Memory Infographic to find out some more!

Some key highlights from Your Amazing Memory Infographic:

  • The human brain consists of 1 billion neurons, which each connect to about 1,000 other neurones.
  • The human brain can theoretically hold 1 quadrillion pieces of information, which means it is virtually limitless. In computer terms, this equates to about 2.5 petabytes of data.
  • Short term memory can only hold around 7 pieces of information for 20 seconds.
  • Studies show that students who take a short test or quiz after revising are 65% more likely to remember the information.
  • Learning new things actually produces visible changes in the amount of grey matter in your brain.

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