The 5 Stereotypes of the Online College Student Infographic

The 5 Stereotypes of the Online College Student Infographic

As online universities become increasingly popular, a culture of misinformation that clings to traditional classrooms has painted a negative stereotype of the online student. The Stereotypes of the Online College Student Infographic shows how these uninformed opinions of online college students miss the mark.

5 Stereotypes of the Online College Student Infographic

  1. Online students aren't smart enough for a traditional education
    Myth: An online education is for those who can't cut it in “real" academia
    Fact: Over 3/4 of academic leaders believe that an online education is just as goo, if not better, than one at a traditional institution.
  2. Online students are simply “buying" a degree
    Myth: Online college is little more than a simple way to pad a résumé
    Fact: An online degree can take less time than a traditional degree, but still requires hard work.
  3. Online learners are just weirdos who don’t want “real” degrees
    Myth: Online learners want to get degrees in ludicrous fields.
    Fact: Out of the 5 top degrees for online learners, 4 are in the top 5 degrees of traditional learners
  4. Online learners are just slackers
    Myth: People who choose an online education are too lazy to go to a “real" college
    Fact: Online learners are generally more motivated to succeed
  5. Online learners are antisocial basement dwellers
    Myth: People who pursue an online degree are too scared of social interaction to move out of their parents’ house.
    Fact: An online education provides more one-on-one interaction and requires a healthy social life
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