7 Steps To Create A High-Conversion Ad

7 Steps To Create A High-Conversion Ad

7 Steps To Create A High-Conversion Ad—Infographic

Creating a high-conversion ad is not rocket science. It involves several key steps: knowing your target audience in terms of demographics, interests, and behavior so that you can tailor the message accordingly; writing a clear, compelling, preferably short and direct message that speaks to the unique value of your product or service; using visuals that are interesting enough to capture attention, while at the same time aligning with your brand identity. Plus, all CTAs should be powerful, using words like "Shop Now" or "Learn More." When you do an A/B test, conclude which of the two versions is better at marketing the advertisements. Lastly, optimize for mobile, track performance, and change your strategies based on the insights of the data.

Via: https://www.tumblr.com/learnwithbeeka/763486476100157440/steps-to-create-a-high-conversion-ad?source=share
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